October 25, 2024
With more and more people getting COVID-19 vaccinations, some probably steer clear due to intense fear of needles. That’s why we’re talking about how you can use hypnosis for needle phobia.
But first, here’s a little background on needle phobia and why it occurs.
What is Needle Phobia?
Needle phobia is the extreme fear of needles. You might know it as trypanophobia which comes from the Greek “trypano” — translating to piercing or puncturing. Common symptoms include palpitations and sweating.
According to Harvard Health, about 25 % of adults in the US have a needle phobia and approximately 16% steer clear of vaccinations because of it.
Meanwhile, a 2019 systematic review found out that needle phobia significantly affects the delivery of flu vaccinations. In fact, 16% of adult patients avoid it, 27% of hospital employees, and even 8% of health care workers in hospitals.
Having needle phobia can have serious health implications. When you have it, you probably will avoid getting vaccinations, undergoing blood tests, and accepting a blood transfusion.

What Causes Needle Phobia?
Like many other phobias, needle phobia stems from various experiences. You might have witnessed trauma or have had negative experiences related to needles, such as seeing a loved one hurt or hysterical during a medical procedure. Also, this intense fear can be associated with generalized anxiety disorder or hypochondria.
Interestingly, some experts even point out that there can be a genetic predisposition to this kind of fear.
Hypnosis for Needle Phobia
If you’re struggling with needle phobia, hypnotherapy is one treatment option to consider.
One of the primary benefits you can get from hypnotherapy is that it can help you detach from your intense fear. Effectively, your therapist can guide you to remove fear in situations where you don’t need it.
Experts theorize that phobias are learned behaviors. And while it’s probably difficult to unlearn needle phobia, hypnotherapy can help you cope by setting up new learnings in place of old beliefs. To do this, your clinical hypnotherapist will help you relax into a trance-like state, and this allows your subconscious mind to be more open to suggestions.
When you are in that calm and relaxed state, the hypnotist will then offer other alternative solutions.
Common Hypnotherapy Techniques
There are two common techniques clinical hypnotherapists use for needle phobia. First, we have the rewind technique, or regression, which is used when you have a distinct memory or circumstance linked to your phobia. Essentially, as you get into a relaxed state, your hypnotherapist encourages you to “watch yourself”. You are more like an observer to your memory. This allows for detachment and reframing.
Another technique is reframing. Using this technique, you get to visualize yourself in a positive way as you approach vaccination day. You get to be more in control of what’s happening instead of fear overwhelming you.
Now that you know some of the techniques, you might be curious about the advantages of hypnosis for needle phobia.
Well, for one, hypnosis doesn’t come with side effects. Unlike anti-anxiety medications which treat panic attacks associated with phobias, hypnosis doesn’t come with unwanted side effects.
Moreover, it’s painless and safe. You’re not exposed to the scary situation, so you just need to relax.
If you’re ready to work through your fear of needles, feel free to book a hypnotherapy session here.