October 25, 2024
Do you often eat your way to feeling better about things? Stuck in a cycle of overeating, purging, and self-starvation? Then you need to bookmark this post on hypnosis for emotional eating.
But first, you need to understand more about emotional eating.
What is Emotional Eating?
We don’t always turn to food just because of physical hunger. Sometimes we reach for a bar of chocolate in the drawer or order our favorite fast food when we’re stressed out or need emotional comfort.
According to the American Psychological Association, 38% of adults said they overeat to reduce stress.
Emotional eating is using food to satisfy your emotional needs. Interestingly though, we don’t always emotionally eat because of negative feelings. A 2015 study showed that even a positive mood can make us eat more calories.
Perceived stress is a big factor causing many of us to overeat. According to a 2022 Ecuadorian study, perceived stress and anxiety due to the Covid pandemic are correlated to emotional eating. In addition, the study noted that females have higher levels of perceived stress.
You might ask, why does it happen?
Well, an early 2007 study explained the neuropsychological mechanism behind emotional eating. It noted that eating foods that are high in fat and sugar releases dopamine and opioids, which make you feel good when you’re feeling down, anxious, or stressed. Psychologically, you may
Signs You’re Emotional Eating
Here are some signs you might be an emotional eater:
- You keep eating even when you’re full, or you’re not really hungry
- Using food such as junk food and desserts as a reward for yourself
- Treating food like a friend or buddy who makes you feel safe and happy
- You feel helpless against around delicious food
- Eating in response to disappointment, stress, or loss
Hypnosis for Emotional Eating: How Does It Work?
Emotions directly impact your eating habits and are ingrained in your subconscious mind.
It then follows that altering your subconscious patterns will also change your behavior (e.g., stop overeating, curb sugar addiction, or give in to a craving).
A certified hypnotherapist helps you “reprogram your mind” to stop emotional eating by using positive suggestions, imagery, and speech patterns. During hypnosis, the subconscious mind is more open. He or she can help you uncover the triggers that cause compulsive eating, help you manage your emotions in a healthier way, and bring back your self-confidence.
Doing this can prevent you from engaging in harmful eating habits that lower your quality of life.
Instead, you’d develop a healthy relationship with food. You’ll be motivated to develop healthier food choices, have a balanced diet, and embrace mindful eating. It’s a big step towards self-compassion and self-acceptance.
Millions of people who struggle with emotional eating may also have weight issues. You might also consider hypnosis to help you lose weight if needed. Stop dieting altogether, avoid unhealthy food, and achieve a healthy weight!
How Can I Try Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy has also been proven to have many beneficial effects. It can help you cope with difficult issues such as depression, IBS, anxiety, insomnia, OCD, binge eating, and alcoholism. Hypnosis is a useful tool that may be combined with other approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy and guided meditation.
While there are many Youtube videos where you’ll learn about hypnosis, it’s better to go for a certified hypnotherapist.
Do your research. Always look for their credentials and experience.
Here at Everybody in Mind Wellness Center, our hypnotherapists are certified and well-experienced to cater to your personal needs and goals. Moreover, we have state-of-the-art wellness technologies to help you create your self-care routine.
So, book a session with us today!